Ambassador Yusuke Shimdo and Minister Moeti Mohwasa toast to the two countries' exceptional bilateral and diplomatic ties
Cynthia Thanda
The warm evening breeze of 20th March 2025 and friendly smiles plastered by the government officials and the public welcomed the presence of His Excellency Mr. Yusuke SHINDO as he celebrated assumption of office as the new Ambassador of Japan to Botswana.
This follows the presentation of his Letters of Credence to the President of the Republic of Botswana, Advocate Duma Gideon BOKO, on 24th February 2025.

Mr. SHIDO was all smiles as he expressed how privileged he was to have commenced his tour of duty at a historical moment for Botswana after the country experienced, for the first time since the establishment of the Republic, a change of government from one political party to another.
The peaceful nature of that transition led him to describe Botswana as a true testament of democracy. He spoke highly of the bilateral relations that have been existing between the two countries and how he is inspired to strengthen them further.
“I am aware that Botswana’s most important challenge at the moment is to develop other viable industries beyond diamonds”, he said promising that the Government of Japan and JICA are in discussions with the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Trade and Entrepreneurship and other relevant agencies to promote cooperation in strengthening Botswana’s start-up ecosystem, promoting SMEs, and employing and engaging women and youth”.

On the education front, he announced that from April this year, Akita University in Japan, which has long been in exchange with the Botswana International University of Science and Technology (BIUST) in the field of minerals, will open offices at BIUST and at the University of Botswana (UB).
Akita University has started supporting students who wish to study in Japan in earnest and the Am,bassador expressed hope that this will bring Japan, which is physically distant, closer to the students in Botswana.
In closing, Ambassador SHIDO spoke of their wish to see President Boko attend the ninth Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD), to be held in Yokohama in August 2025. Japan views the TICAD process as a great opportunity for in-depth dialogue with African countries as well as an alignment of interests from both sides.
In his remarks, Moeti MOHWASA, Minister for State President and Acting Minister of International Relations, commended the wonderful relationship that exists between the two countries since 1966 and the development assistance Japan has provided in the sectors of transport infrastructure, agriculture, health, skills development and forestry management.
He said Botswana is looking forward to engaging with Ambassador SHIIDO on facilitating Botswana’s realization of its ambitious goals intended to improve economic and social development and welfare of Batswana.

“Your Excellency, we encourage your country to continue to avail scholarships and on-the-job training offers to young Batswana to equip them with critical knowledge and skills and prepare them for the job market or better still to prepare them to set up enterprises,” Mr. MOHWASA remarked.
He concluded his remarks by noting with appreciation and great expectation the ongoing engagement between Japan International Cooperation Agency and the Ministry of Finance on possible funding of Small and Medium Enterprises (SME’S).
This year, Japan will partner with UNICEF, to provide support to infants who are malnourished due to drought and other natural disasters, through the distribution of therapeutic food and the dispatch of social workers.
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