Cuba in Congress!
Beginning the 16th through the 19th, Cuba as a whole, represented by its delegates to the 8th Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba, gathered in the capital’s Convention Centre in historic sessions, to analyze what has been accomplished over the last five years and, above all, outline, in a sovereign manner, the country’s future
Author: Yudy Castro Morales | internet@granma.cu
April 16, 2021 08:04:29
Beginning today through the 19th, Cuba as a whole, represented by its delegates to the 8th Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba, will gather in the capital’s Convention Center in historic sessions, to analyze what has been accomplished over the last five years and, above all, outline, in a sovereign manner, the country’s future.

Precisely today, on the 60th anniversary of the proclamation of the socialist character of the Revolution by Comandante en jefe Fidel Castro Ruz, Cuba, in the voice of Party militants, will once again reaffirm the irrevocability of its emancipatory work and, as expressed in the Congress call, reiterate before the world its “intransigent conviction of victory.”
It might seem that April 16’s 24 hours are not enough to celebrate all the anniversaries that come together on this day, since this is also the date considered as the founding of our Party.
Thus begin four days of intense debates and the search for solutions, in accordance with the thinking of the people who inspire and deserve them, with no other commitment than to rise to the occasion, to continue the defense of what has been accomplished and to set foot on the path of more conquests.
Included on the agenda to be considered are the updating of the Conceptualization of the Cuban economic and social model of socialist development; the implementation of the Guidelines of the Economic and Social Policy of the Party and the Revolution; the socio-economic results obtained since the 7th Congress; the functioning of the Party, its ties with the population; Party ideological activity; and examination of the cadre policy.
Continuity is the watchword of this meeting, which means more the natural process of transition from one generation to another, to become a perennial certainty that socialist Cuba is on the go, today and for all the years to come.
Eighth Party Congress begins
Author: Yudy Castro Morales | internet@granma.cu
april 16, 2021 10:04:55
Evoking the thinking of Comandante en jefe Fidel Castro Ruz, who defined the Party as “the soul of the Revolution,” the 8th Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba, began today in the capital’s Convention Center, presided by Army General Raúl Castro Ruz, first secretary of the Party Central Committee; José Ramón Machado Ventura, second secretary; and Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, President of the Republic; among other leaders of the Party and government.
Opening on the 60th anniversary of the proclamation of the socialist character of the Revolution by Comandante en jefe Fidel Castro Ruz, Cuba, in the voice of Party militants, will once again reaffirm the irrevocability of its emancipatory work and, as expressed in the Congress call, reiterate before the world its “intransigent conviction of victory.”
In his opening remarks, Machado Ventura stated, “The Party is a guarantee of national unity and the synthesis of the ideals of dignity, social justice and independence of generations of patriots who preceded us and those who have defended us over all these years of struggle and victory.”
He added that in the five years since the 7th Congress, Party members and the entire people have been immersed in important political processes, to implement agreed upon amended Policy Guidelines, and objectives outlined in the Party’s First National Conference, as well as the new Constitution, ratified in a national referendum.
What has been achieved in these years and what remains to be done, the Second Secretary emphasized, has been analyzed in review and accountability processes of grassroots organizations and the territorial structures of the Party, the findings of which are included in the documents delegates will discuss, once again, and finally approve.
Machado Ventura explained that, in mid-March, the first drafts of these documents were submitted to delegates in their respective provinces, for their consideration in meetings in which other guests participated.
Regarding the coming days of the Congress, he commented that an important portion of delegate’s time will be devoted to work in commissions, facilitating a greater exchange of opinions to reach consensus on issues raised in provinces and thus be able to approve, in a plenary session, the definitive version.
Machado noted that represented among delegates are many different sectors, including production workers, educators, service providers; farmers, intellectuals, scientists, combatants, and retirees, with a composition by gender and skin color that reflects the characteristics of our society, while 94% are university graduates.
Insisting on “the conviction that we will remain true to the legacy of our martyrs and the example of Fidel and Raul», Machado concluded his remarks, thus beginning four days of intense debates and the search for solutions, with no other commitment than to rise to the occasion, to continue the defense of what has been accomplished and to set foot on the path of more conquests.
After the opening remarks, delegates approved documents that will govern the gathering and subsequently, Army General Raul Castro Ruz began presentation of the 8th Congress Central Report.
Included on the agenda to be considered are the updating of the Conceptualization of the Cuban economic and social model of socialist development; the implementation of the Guidelines of the Economic and Social Policy of the Party and the Revolution; the socio-economic results obtained since the 7th Congress; the functioning of the Party, its ties with the population; Party ideological activity; and examination of the cadre policy.
Continuity is the watchword of this meeting, which means more the natural process of transition from one generation to another, to become a perennial certainty that socialist Cuba is on the go, today and for all the years to come.
Raúl presides Eighth Party Congress plenary session
Precisely on the 60th anniversary of the proclamation of the socialist character of the Cuban Revolution, the 8th Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba begins today, presided by Central Committee First Secretary Army General Raúl Castro Ruz
Author: Angélica Paredes López | informacion@granmai.cu
april 16, 2021 10:04:15
Precisely on the 60th anniversary of the proclamation of the socialist character of the Cuban Revolution, the 8th Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba begins today, presided by Central Committee First Secretary Army General Raúl Castro Ruz.
With President of the Republic and Political Bureau member Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez on hand, as well, the most important meeting of the party organization, with delegates from across the country, is underway, in strict compliance with sanitary measures imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Issues of critical importance to the economic, political and social development of the nation will be discussed by during the event, which will continue through Monday, April 19, a memorable date on which Cuba will commemorate the 60th anniversary of the victory at Playa Giron.
Thus begin four days of intense debates and the search for solutions, in accordance with the thinking of the people who inspire and deserve them, with no other commitment than to rise to the occasion, to continue the defense of what has been accomplished and to set foot on the path of more conquests.
Included on the agenda to be considered are the updating of the Conceptualization of the Cuban economic and social model of socialist development; the implementation of the Economic and Social Policy Guidelines of the Party and the Revolution; socio-economic results obtained since the 7th Congress; and the functioning of the Party, its ties with the population, ideological activity and cadre policy.
The gathering has been labeled the Congress of Continuity and will be marked by the legacy of Comandante en jefe Fidel Castro, his thought and the indelible lessons he left Party members; by the commitment of the historic generation that has brought the organization thus far; the defense of the socialist character of the Revolution – proclaimed 60 years ago; and the challenges that the moment poses for the younger generations assuming the leadership of our Communist Party.
A Mambí “ready, with a foot in the stirrup, to defend the homeland”
Author: Yudy Castro Morales | internet@granma.cuapril 17, 2021 08:04:49″Let no one doubt that as long as I live, I will be ready, with a foot in the stirrup to defend the homeland, the Revolution and socialism,” stated Army General Raúl Castro Ruz, first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba Central Committee, who, like another Mambi or guerrilla, always ready with his horse saddled and a rifle under his pillow, reported that his task leading the political organization had reached its conclusion.
Ending his presentation of the 8th Party Congress Central Report, on the gathering’s opening day,Raúl expressed the satisfaction of having fulfilled his duty, and conveyed his confidence in the future of the homeland, but emphasized his unchanging commitment to participate as a member of the party ranks: “I will continue serving as one more revolutionary fighter, ready to make my modest contribution until the end of my life,” he insisted.(…)
The Revolution’s cadres must be the best
The Cadre Policy is managed, directed, it has components, procedures that are closely related, and when they are not followed, the conduction of the process is disrupted
Author: Leticia Martínez | informacion@granma.cu
Author: Yaima Puig Meneses | informacion@granmai.cuapril 17, 2021 11:04:55“
We do not need good people to become cadres, we need the best, the best comrades, those who have more revolutionary qualifications, more ideological qualifications and more professional qualifications, the charisma, work and experience to handle the principle processes.”
With this orientation, President of the Republic Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez began his participation in the analysis that took place during the 8th Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba this Friday, in the third session of Commission No. 3, in which the Cadre Policy was analyzed, an issue that is critical to the Party’s work.(…)
Commission No.3, chaired by Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, is composed of 94 delegates, including President Díaz-Canel; Army Corps General Álvaro López Miera, Minister of the Revolutionary Armed Forces; and Miriam Nicado García, Rector of the University of Havana, all members of the Political Bureau.
Debate and work in 8th Party Congress commissions continues
Analysis of the strategy for implementation of the Party’s cadre policy was the focus, this Saturday morning, of delegates participating in Commission no.3, led by President of the Republic Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez
Author: Granma | internet@granma.cuapril 17, 2021 12:04:47
With the certainty that the construction of a sovereign socialist society will only be irreversible if the ideological strengthening of our revolutionary process and the economic, social and cultural development of the country are conducted with equal precision and transformative intention, debate and work in 8th Party Congress commissions continue today, Saturday April 17.(…)
Participants at Cuban Party Congress assess Latin American issues
Author:Prensa Latinaapril 17, 2021
The use of coercive measures, threats and lies to justify actions against Latin America show the desire for domination in force by the United States, according to a report issued today by the 8th Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC).
As part of his Central Report, the first secretary of the political organization, Raul Castro, who announced his retiring from official posts, denounced the permanence of the Monroe Doctrine (1823) in the North American mentality, as well as the use of ‘non-conventional warfare methods and destabilizing operations that were extremely dangerous for the entire region’.
Food production, a priority for Cuban government
Author:Prensa Latinaapril 17, 2021
Cuban Prime Minister Manuel Marrero described food production and the advance of Non-State Management Forms (NSMF), a complement to national development, as a government priority.
He said this at the Economic and Social Commission, which he presided over, as part of the 8th Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC), which started on Friday at Havana International Conference Center until Monday 19.(…)
Cuban Communist Party looks into economy, development plans
Author:Prensa Latinaapril 17, 2021
The second day of the 8th Congress of the Cuban Communist Party (PCC) takes place here today, with the work of commissions on issues such as the country’s economic future and the prospects for development.(…)
According to the foreseen agenda, commissions should finish their debates by late afternoon, and their recommendations will be prepared to be submitted to the consideration of all delegates in the plenary session of the conclave.
Among the issues to be analyzed are proposals for changes in the Guidelines of the Economic and Social Policy of the Party and the Revolution approved in 2016, the functioning of the political organization and ideological work, as well as the training and preparation of future leaders.(…)
Raul Castro affirms that Cuba will defend its sovereignty
Author:Prensa Latinaapril 17, 2021
Cuba will remain alert and ready to protect its sovereignty, assured here on Friday the First Secretary of the Communist Party (PCC), Army General Raul Castro, to the 8th Congress of that organization.
We have to remain alert, protect our country and the sovereign right to exist for which generations of Cubans have sacrificed, he affirmedin reference to aggressions and threats against Cuba and others in Latin America and the Caribbean.
About Sunday, April 18th 2021
Proposed Central Committee candidature presented today
This Congress will be remembered as the moment when the historical generation, that founded and guided the party’s development, concluded the transfer of principal responsibilities to new generations of Communist militants
Author: Laura Mercedes Giráldez | informacion@granmai.cuapril 18, 2021 14:04:56
This Sunday afternoon, during the 8th Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba’s third day of sessions, in the Havana Convention Center, the draft candidature of Central Committee members will be presented.Delegates will have the opportunity to study the list of proposed candidates, which must be approved and/or amended before being submitted to a vote, the results of which will be announced tomorrow.(…)
Central Report Resolution approved by Eighth Party Congress
Presided by Army General Raúl Castro Ruz and José Ramón Machado Ventura, first and second secretaries of the Party Central Committee, respectively, the third day of Congress sessions took place today
Author: Granma | internet@granma.cuapril 18, 2021 13:04:09
Presided by Army General Raúl Castro Ruz and José Ramón Machado Ventura, first and second secretaries of the Central Committee of the Party, respectively, in addition to Political Bureau members Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, President of the Republic, and Esteban Lazo Hernández, President of the National Assembly of People’s Power, the third day of Congress sessions took place today.
The event was opened with the words of Comandanteen jefe Fidel Castro Ruz, during the Party’s review assembly in Havana, on November 23, 1996. “If our land did not have sufficient honor and glory, conquered over such a long time, the honor and glory of having fought and remain undefeated… against an all-powerful empire, would be enough.”
The day’s agenda continued with the presentation by delegate José Amado Ricardo Guerra, Central Committee member and Council of Ministers secretary, of the draft Resolution on the Central Report to the 8th Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba, presented by First Secretary Army General Raúl Castro Ruz.
World Messages underscore relevance of Cuban Communist congress
Author: Prensa Latina April 18, 2021
New messages from political organizations around the world that highlight the leadership of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) and wish its 8th Congress success, were published today by the Foreign Ministry. (…)More than 80 messages from political and social organizations from Africa, Europe, Latin America and Asia arrived in Cuba on the occasion of the PCC conclave.
We, the members, are the Party
Confident that the construction of a sovereign socialist society will be irreversible if the ideological strengthening of our revolutionary process, and the economic, social and cultural development of the country, areconducted with equal precision and transformative intention, debate at the 8th Party Congress continued in commissions, yesterday.
Author: Yaditza del Sol González | yadidelsol@granma.cuapril 18, 2021 08:04:44
Confident that the construction of a sovereign socialist society will be irreversible if the ideological strengthening of our revolutionary process, and the economic, social and cultural development of the country, are conducted with equal precision and transformative intention, debate at the 8th Party Congress continued in commissions, this Saturday, in the spirit of continuity, and intent on advancing, as the order of the day, Party work to persuade, bring together, and educate around the principles that forged the Cuban Revolution. It is evident,as delegates stated, “We, the members, all revolutionaries, are the Party.”On its second day of work, Commission No.3, headed by President of the Republic and Political Bureau member Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, focused its analysis on theroposed General Strategy for Implementation of the Cadre Policy, for the period 2021-2026, a document recognized by delegates as innovative and profound, with an important scientific foundation.
A review of economic results and projections to continue advancing
We have not been detained in the search for solutions to current problems, nor have we given up on future projects; the National Economic and Social Development Plan through 2030 has been prepared and progress is being made on implementation of the Economic and Social Policy Guidelines
Author: Yudy Castro Morales | internet@granma.cuAuthor: Liz Conde Sánchez | internet@granma.cuapril 18, 2021 10:04:04
Army General Raúl Castro Ruz, in April of 2010, stated, “The economic battle constitutes today, more than ever, the principal task and the center of cadres’ ideological work, because the sustainability and preservation of our social system depend on it,” thus defining the changes in Cuba’s economy that would be undertaken from that point on.Precisely these transformations and the difficulties faced, were the focus of delegates to the 8th Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba, in Commission No.1 chaired by Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz, on Friday.
A programmatic document that charts the country’s course
This Saturday, delegates to the 8th Party Congress analyzed, in their commissions, the Central Report presented by Army General Raúl Castro on opening day
Author: Yaima Puig Meneses | informacion@granmai.cuapril 18, 2021 15:04:23
“Courageous, critical, a guide.” This is how Political Bureau member Ulises Guilarte de Nacimiento, general secretary of the Federation of Cuban Workers, described the Central Report to the 8th Congress, presented by Army General Raúl Castro Ruz.
In his opinion, the text, in a clear and objective manner, reiterates that the performance of the economy will continue to be one of the Party’s fundamental missions, onewhich requires changes in methods of acting and thinking, to identify untapped potential for greater efficiency, a key aspect of workers’ responsibility to find those new ways of generating wealth, with the efforts of all. Our members, he added, must holdthe enterprise system accountable, ensure, as the Report states, that it is shaken.
How can the Party better organize and direct common efforts in the construction of socialism?
During the second day of the 8th Communist Party Congress, the Commission on Functioning and Ideological Work discussed key issues for the future of Cuban society, in which the political organization must play a leading role
Author: Yaditza del Sol González | yadidelsol@granma.cuAuthor: Gladys Leydis Ramos López | internet@granma.cuapril 18, 2021 11:04:13
The Communist Party must serve as a pillar supporting educational institutions at all levels, pay attention and assist them in the tremendous task of teaching younger generations to feel the nation’s history, to understand and honor it, to ensure not only the future of conscious Party members, but the preservation of the principles that have been bequeathed to us by the Revolution.This was one of the most important ideas shared by delegates to the 8th Party Congress, during the second day of debate in the Commission addressing the organization’s Functioning and Ideological Work, chaired byJosé Ramón Machado Ventura, Central Committee second secretary.